A Healthy Dragonfly

I finally did it! I started a blog! I should have started it a year ago when I started my journey to natural healing, but I am not going to lie, I am a huge procrastinator! And then there is the fear....will anyone read it, will it be successful...so I finally decided to just step out in faith and do it! If it helps even one person, then it was indeed successful. I plan on using this blog for my healing journey, healthy eating (maybe some recipes), family adventures, sewing projects, DIY's, and whatever else tickles my fancy! Ha!

Now for the reason I started this blog....I was diagnosed with diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (th in June of 2017. For those that do not know what that is, it is a blood cancer. Diffuse large B cell is the most aggressive type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The oncologist said the treatment would be chemotherapy. I kindly told her I wasn't going to do chemo. I know what it is, where it comes from, what it does and I am not going to do it. She told me I was young and healthy and would tolerate it well. I told her "No thank you" and I haven't heard from her since. She acted like I would be dead in 6 months without conventional treatment. Yet, here I am 14 months later and as healthy as a horse. 

I chose to do Gerson Therapy as my natural healing. The main idea behind Gerson is that food is your medicine. I drink 12 juices a day and eat 3 meals of fresh organic fruits and veggies. I can also have snacks anytime I want as long as they are organic fruits and veggies. LOL There are also complementary therapies that I do along with the juicing and supplements, like ozone therapy, coffee enemas, rebounding, grounding and other things. It is a very time consuming and labor intensive therapy, but to me it is totally worth it.

Some people will call me crazy (some think I already am, and I just might be!), some people will hate on me, some will stand with me and some will hold me up when I am down. But that is life, right? So, buckle your seat belts and let's see where this journey is going to lead!

19 thoughts on “A Healthy Dragonfly”

  1. Wonderfully written, looking forward to reading more! And for the record, your not crazy but courageous and faithful. In my opinion using food for medicine is wise and putting poison into your body is crazy!!

  2. Beautifully written, Friend! God answers prayers. I was terrified about your health when I first found out your diagnosis. It’s been a beautiful journey to watch! I continue to pray with you and Brad! I love you!

  3. I am so proud of you and so very glad that you finally got your blog going You and your family are so courageous and truly blessed on this journey. Keep on juicing Here’s to a long and healthy life girl. Love you

  4. God has truly blessed your effort, and I am so proud of you, and your perseverance to keep this up. You are amazing!!
    Love ya!!

  5. Love you. You are an inspiration. Thank ypu for sharing your journey. I look forward to seeing more!!

  6. Keep up the fight!!! We all know who will come out on top. We refer to you as “Scrapy” around our house?

  7. I’ll stand behind, beside you or I might even stand in front of you if needed. I am with you!
    See ya soon.

  8. This way of healing takes way more bravery and courage than I ever had. You are truly and inspiration! I’m so happy you are doing well. This is a great blog and I will be following your journey.

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