
I had a dental appointment on Tuesday to have a cone scan done. They were checking to make sure my cavitations had healed completely. I thought I would share this in case you didn't know what a profound impact the health of your mouth can have on your overall health and well being.

In April, my husband and I watched a documentary on Netflix called "Root Cause". (I'll write more about this in a later blog post.) It was all about a guy trying to figure out why he was so sick and couldn't get better. He finally found out that a root canal he had done was what was causing his fibromyalgia like symptoms. After having the root canal removed, he was better but still not 100%. So he continued to search for the answer. Long story short, he found out it was a cavitation.

A cavitation happens when you have a tooth pulled and they fail to take out the periodontal nerve. The bone grows over the hole but the hole never fills with bone leaving a hole. The Lexico dictionary says a caviattion is the formation of an empty space within a solid object or body.

I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was about twenty years old. I had a slight divot on my jawbone on the left side and wondered if this could be caused by a cavitation. I found a holistic dentist (two hours away!) and had a cone scan done. (They don't show on a regular X-ray.) To my surprise, I had not one cavitation, but four!

I was scheduled for surgery the next day. She had cleaned up three and when she cut into the fourth one, I about gagged! The smell was awful! There was a twenty plus year abscess in that cavitation.

About two weeks after the surgery, my swollen lymph nodes shrank. Not completely, but significantly. I think this infection could have been one thing interfering with my healing.

There are so many ways your health can be affected by your mouth. Take the time and effort to make sure your mouth is as healthy as your body. And if you have some ailment that they can't quite seem to figure out, find a holistic dentist and get anything dental ruled out.

All healed up!